Event Security - 身辺警護・警備のスペシャリスト G.S.P.Corporation
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Event Security

Crowd Control, Event Security


G.S.P.’s crowd and event security service plans and proposes security systems to prevent incidents from occurring at all manner of events. We analyze conceivable risks and provide security services that can respond flexibly to the details of the event.


We also provide overall security control and management for events, and we can provide instructions and share information in English.


We can also provide security for VIPs attending and participating in events at the same time in conjunction with personal security.


■ Photoshoot location sites

■ Public spaces such as airports and train stations

■ Event and concert venues

■ Various types of party venue

■ Press conferences


Furthermore, in traffic flow security, we ensure that clients can move safely and smoothly through public spaces such as airport and train stations by providing control of fans and members of the general public and giving verbal alerts.


There are various security methods, including creating and a line of control to secure traffic flow, surrounding the client with security personnel and moving as a group, and so forth. By conducting pre-assignment meetings with the client, we propose optimal security and traffic flow guidance.