Israeli Refugee Assistance - 身辺警護・警備のスペシャリスト G.S.P.Corporation
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Israeli Refugee Assistance

Bringing Hope to the Children of Israel
Supporting Their Future by Donating Tablets

The Palestinian-Israeli war between Hamas and Israel, which controls the Gaza Strip in Palestine, has resulted in many casualties.


The war’s murder of many innocent children, sexual assaults, military service obligations, etc, The UN has added both Israel and the Islamic organization Hamas to its list of countries and organizations that have significant violations of children’s rights.


Children who are serious wound and under medical treatment, children who have lost their families, children who have lost their homes, Children whose future was closed due to the war are trying to Live in the moment.


G.S.P. Corporation donated educational tablet computers to war orphans, shelters, and schools to give hope to these children in Israel.


We hope for the earliest possible restoration and for the return of smiles to the faces of the children of the future.


[ English Translation of Letter of Appreciation ]
Disttribuion of the tablets to the evacuees kids of kiriyat shemona
the war HARAVOT BARZEL April 2024
“To do a good deed is man’s glorius task” ( quoted by sofokles)
Thanks on behalf of the Mayor of Kiriyat Shemona Mr. Avichai Shteren and the resident of Kiriyat Shemona
